The study aimed at establishing the influence of trade unions participation on employee productivity in Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Institutions in Kenya. The research adopted cross sectional survey research design. The target population was TVET Institutions with 5718 individuals that included Principals, Deputy Principals, heads of departments, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, a ministry of science and technology education official, Secretary Generals of KNUT, KUPPET, COTU, TUC and representative from the TVET Institutions. The sample size was 361 of which 315 responded. Purposive sampling was used to select 10% of sample size of institutions for pilot testing. Normal approximation to the binomial distribution and stratified sampling were used to arrive at the sample size. A structured questionnaire and an interview schedule were used to collect primary data. The questionnaire was pretested before data collection for validation and reliability. Secondary data was collected through evaluation of journals, reports, and publications. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 was used for the statistical analyses. The study revealed that there is a positive linear relationship between trade union participation and employees’ productivity. The study recommended that each TVET institution should have a trade union official representative. The study is beneficial to Education stakeholders, trade union officials and the Government at large.
Key Words: Trade Union Participation, Employee Productivity, TVET Institutions in Kenya
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