The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of strategic management drivers on the operational performance of container terminal at Kenya Ports Authority. The research identified the role of container terminal from a strategic management perspective and drivers of container terminal operational performance in relation to efficient and effective strategic management. The researcher used descriptive research design on a target population of 195 employees and a sample size of 129 members of staff from KPA Container terminal. Stratified sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The researcher used questionnaires which were distributed to employees to collect primary data. Secondary data was also used by the researcher from website, internet and the company’s records. Collected data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. The results revealed that collaborative competition and strategic leadership had significant and positive effect on operational performance while strategic ICT and strategic leadership had insignificant effect on operational performance of container terminal of Kenya Ports Authority. Babu (2012) said that corporate governance is the set of practices that best provides for the effective, open, and visible management of an organization. The study recommended that: the existing strategic ICT and strategic training should be modified so as to improve operational performance of container terminal of Kenya Ports Authority; managers of container terminal should focus more on collaborative competition and strategic leadership so as to improve operational performance; and in modifying strategic training, education programs on training for employees and managers should be given key priority in container terminal.
Key terms: Information Communication Technology (ICT), Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU), Collaborative Competition, Strategic Training, Strategic Leadership
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i4.561
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