The study sought to examine the influence of strategic management practices on the performance of private universities in Kenya. The study targeted 30 private universities in Kenya both chartered and those with the letter of interim authority. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between customer processes and organisational performance; to determine the relationship between internal business process and organisational performance and to establish the relationship between employee growth and organisational performance. The study applied correlational research design. The author used judgmental procedure to select 120 representatives from the following categories of individuals in the private universities; vice chancellors, deputy vice chancellors, deans of schools and heads of sections. Applying multiple regression model and content analysis tools the study analysed quantitative and qualitative data respectively. Results showed that service culture, service quality, customer experience and feedback are key determinants of performance in the sampled private universities in Kenya. It was also established that organisation structure of many private universities does not match the internal business processes. Further findings indicated that employee growth was a key factor affecting performance of private universities in Kenya.
Keywords: Customer Processes, Internal Business Processes, Strategic Employee Growth, Performance of Private Universities
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