This study sought to find out the effect of individualized consideration on organisational performance of state corporations in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design where the use of measures of central tendency such as mean and standard deviation was common. The study used primary data which was obtained from the original sources using a structured and semi-structured questionnaire and captured through a 5-point type Likert scale. The questionnaires were self-administered using the drop and pick method. The study used construct validity employing both convergent and discriminant validity dimensions. After quantitative data was obtained through questionnaires, it was prepared in readiness for analysis by editing, handling blank responses, coding, categorizing and keyed into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 for analysis. The statistics generated were descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Microsoft excel was used to complement SPSS especially in production of figures and tables. More data on the performance of these 8 State corporations was collected from the division of performance contracting of the Ministry of Devolution and Planning, regarding the performance of these state corporations. The study found that there was a significant relationship between individualized consideration and organizational performance of state corporations in Kenya. The study recommended that Cabinet Secretaries who were the majority involved in appointing leaders of State corporations should take note of the critical role of transformational leadership in state corporations. Appointments, particularly of chairpersons of state corporations, should seriously consider the transformative configuration of the holder of this office. Political considerations should, therefore, be surrogate to transformational considerations.
Key words: Individualized Consideration, Organizational performance
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