
Development of Police Leadership entails not only basic police training or formal education but systematic leadership development training that takes cognizance of the scalar chain and exposure to a range of policing experience. This study reviewed related studies and explored the determinants of leadership development training needs in the middle level cadre of the Kenya National Police Service, required to deal with continuing security challenges and improved performance. The study targeted officers in the Kenya National Police Service, to provide vital and useful opinion regarding the determinants of leadership development training with a view to enhancing uptake and mainstreaming requisite leadership development training in the middle level officer’s career progression. The study also explored leadership development training needs as it relates to gender, knowledge, skills and attitudes. Stratified and simple random sampling technique was used to select twenty police officers in Thika, from the National Police Service.  A qualitative and quantitative method was used to capture data on the middle level officer’s leadership skills and what determines their leadership development training needs. Primary data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire; while secondary data was collected through thematic review of literature on police leadership development training. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic method while quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and regression using Statistical Program for Social Societies (SPSS). The study contributes to the body of knowledge in regards to leadership development and sheds light on what determinates leadership development training needs and leadership skills gaps for performance in National Police service in Kenya. The results of the study revealed that the training appraisal system and retained knowledge positively influenced the performance of the National Police Service. The study recommended that for effective training plans in NPS, the government and other stakeholders need to constantly organize regular seminar and other refresher courses aimed at creating awareness on the emerging issues and technologies that can be used to deal with emerging crimes and terrorism in the country. This will ensure that the National Police Service becomes effective, responsive and vibrant in early crime detection and prevention.

Key Words: Training Appraisal System, Training Policy, Education Entry Level, National Police Service 

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