Capital accumulation is regarded as the driving force to spur economic growth, innovation and job creation. The role and importance of Mutual fund institutions is widely appreciated and acknowledged and the Kenyan government has increased emphasis on fund mobilization through legislations which gave birth to Mutual funds. This research sought to determine the effects of regulatory framework on growth of mutual fund institutions listed in NSE. The study used descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 61 funds/ units operating under 18 listed fund institutions in 2016. Random sampling technique was used is to ensure that each fund type is proportionately represented in the sample. Secondary and primary tools were used to supplement data collected. The study results indicated that regulatory framework had significant and positive influence on the growth of mutual fund institutions. The study indicated that the combined correlation between regulatory frameworks constructs and growth of mutual fund institutions linked with return on investment is strong. This result translated into a moderate coefficient of determination (35.6%). Implying that the explanatory power of this model was modest, that is, the independent variable accounted for only 35.6% of the changes in return on investments.
Key Terms: Mutual Funds, Regulatory Framework, Net Assets Value, Return on investment
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i1.656
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