Based on the study findings, it was concluded that the integrity of management team significantly influence the level of employee resilience to change. Similarly, the study revealed that management reliability influence employee resilience to change. The study recommends that organizations should nurture high levels of integrity and reliability to increase the level of staff resilience to change.
Key words: Workplace Trust, Organizational Change, Resilience to Change, Management Integrity, Management Reliability, Kenya Airways
The world is becoming more turbulent at a faster pace than organizations are becoming resilient enough to handle that change. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of workplace trust on the resilience of employees to change programmes in Kenya Airways. The specific objectives were to establish effect of integrity of management team to staff resilience to change programmes in Kenya Airways and to determine effect of management reliability on staff resilience to change programmes in Kenya Airways. A sample size of 10%, of Kenya Airways non-managerial employees based at the company’s headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, which comprised a total of 229 employees was taken. Data was collected by means of questionnaires, and analyzed by use of descriptive statistics.
Based on the study findings, it was concluded that the integrity of management team significantly influence the level of employee resilience to change. Similarly, the study revealed that management reliability influence employee resilience to change. The study recommends that organizations should nurture high levels of integrity and reliability to increase the level of staff resilience to change.
Key words: Workplace Trust, Organizational Change, Resilience to Change, Management Integrity, Management Reliability, Kenya Airways,
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Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C. (2003). Navigating Social–Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
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Boss, R.W. (1978). "Trust and Managerial Problem-Solving Revisited." in Group and Organizational Studies, 3 331-342.
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Bridges, William (1991). Managing transitions. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Brockner, J., & Seigel, P. (1996). Understanding the interaction between procedural and distributive justice: The role of trust. In R. Kramer & T. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in organizations (pp.390-413).
Brooks, Robert, and Sam Goldstein (2004). The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life. New York: McGraw-Hill, Contemporary Books.
Brower, H. Schoorman, F. D., & Tan, H. (2000). A model of leadership: The integration of trust and leader-member exchange. Leadership Quarterly, 11, 227-250.
Butler, J.K., Jr (1991). "Towards Understanding and Measuring Conditions of Trust: Evolution of Conditions for Trust Inventory." Journal of Management, 17 643-663.
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Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: the emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses, Global Environmental Change.
Folke, C. S; Carpenter, T; Elmqvist, L; Gunderson, C.S; Holling and Walker, B. (2002) Resilience and Sustainable Development: Building Adaptive Capacity in a World of Transformations.
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Gambetta, D. (Ed.). (1988). Trust: Making and breaking cooperative relations. New York, NY: Basil Blackwell Inc.
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Katz, D., and R. Kahn. (1978). The Social Psychology of Organizations. (2nd Edition). New York: Wiley.
Kotter, John P. (2002). The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations, Harvard Business School Press, p. x.
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Macgregor, J.H. Davis and F.D. Schoorman “ An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust, “ in Academy of Management Review July 1995 Pg. 7 – 12.
Mayer R.C, Davis J.H. and Schoorman F.D. (1995) An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust in Academy o f Management Review 20:3, 709-734
Mayer, R.C., Davis, J. H., & Schoorman, F.D. (1995) "An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust." Academy of Management Review, 20: 709-734.
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Melcher, A. (1975). General Systems and Organization Theory: Methodological Aspects. Kent State University Press
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Mishra, A.K. (1996) "Organizational Responses to Crisis: The Centrality of Trust." In Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research. R.M. Kramer & T.R. Tyler, Eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
Oaks, CA: Sage.Bridges, William (1991). Managing transitions. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Reivich, Karen, and Andrew Shatté (2002). The resilience factor: 7 essential skills for overcoming life’s inevitable obstacles, New York: Broadway Books, Random House.
Russell, Jeffrey, and Linda Russell (1998). Managing change. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
Russell, Jeffrey, and Linda Russell (2003). Leading change training. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.
Russell, Jeffrey, and Linda Russell (2005). An integrative model for leading change in organizations. In The 2005 Pfeiffer Annual- Consulting. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Shrode, W., and D. Voich, Jr. (1974). Organization and Management: Basic Systems Concepts. Homewood: Irwin Inc.
Spector, MD; Jones, GE (2004) - The Journal of social psychology, Heldref Publications
Tan, H. H and Tan, C. S. F. “Towards the Differentiation of Trust in Supervisor and Trust in Organization,” in Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, May 2000, pp. 241 – 260.
Wainer, H., & Thissen, D. (2001). True score theory: The traditional method. In H. Wainer and D. Thissen, (Eds.), Test Scoring. Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum
Zaheer A., McEvily B., Perrone, V. (1998), Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Interorganizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance in Organization Science, vol. 9, No. 2, March-April, 141-159
Allen, M.; Yen W. (1979). Introduction to Measurement Theory. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Argyris, C. (1962). Interpersonal competence and organizational effectiveness. Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.
Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C. (2003). Navigating Social–Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Boon, S. D. and Holmes, J. G. (1991). “The Dynamics of Interpersonal Trust: Resolving Uncertainty in the Face of Risk,” in Hinde, R. A. and Groebel, J. (eds), Cooperation and Pro-social Behaviour. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press.
Boss, R.W. (1978). "Trust and Managerial Problem-Solving Revisited." in Group and Organizational Studies, 3 331-342.
Boulding, K. (1956). “General systems theory – the skeleton of science”. Management Science, 2(1), 197-208.
Bridges, William (1991). Managing transitions. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Brockner, J., & Seigel, P. (1996). Understanding the interaction between procedural and distributive justice: The role of trust. In R. Kramer & T. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in organizations (pp.390-413).
Brooks, Robert, and Sam Goldstein (2004). The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life. New York: McGraw-Hill, Contemporary Books.
Brower, H. Schoorman, F. D., & Tan, H. (2000). A model of leadership: The integration of trust and leader-member exchange. Leadership Quarterly, 11, 227-250.
Butler, J.K., Jr (1991). "Towards Understanding and Measuring Conditions of Trust: Evolution of Conditions for Trust Inventory." Journal of Management, 17 643-663.
Connor, Daryl R. (1992). Managing at the speed of change. New York: Villard Books, Random House.
Dirks, K., & Ferrin, D. (2001). The role of trust in organizational settings. Organization Science, 12, 450-467.
Dubrovsky, V. (2004). “Toward system principles: general system theory and the alternative approach”. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 21(2), 109-122.
Elangovan, A. R., & Shapiro, D. L. (1998). "Betrayal of Trust in Organizations." Academy of Management Review, 23 547-566.
Ellis, K., & Shockley-Zalabak, P. (1999) "Communicating with Management: Relating Trust to Job Satisfaction and Organizational Effectiveness." Paper presented at National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November, 1999.
Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: the emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses, Global Environmental Change.
Folke, C. S; Carpenter, T; Elmqvist, L; Gunderson, C.S; Holling and Walker, B. (2002) Resilience and Sustainable Development: Building Adaptive Capacity in a World of Transformations.
Foster, J. (2005). “From simplistic to complex systems in economics”. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 29, 873-892.
Gambetta, D. (Ed.). (1988). Trust: Making and breaking cooperative relations. New York, NY: Basil Blackwell Inc.
Garmezy, Norman (1991). Resiliency and vulnerability to adverse developmental outcomes associated with poverty. In American Behavioral Scientist.
Holsmar, L.T “Trust: The Connecting link Between Organizational Theory and Philosophical Ethics” in Academy of Management Review. April 1985 pg. 393.
Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (1998) "The Experience and Evolution of Trust: Implications for Cooperation and Teamwork." Academy of Management Review, 23 531-546.
Katz, D., and R. Kahn. (1978). The Social Psychology of Organizations. (2nd Edition). New York: Wiley.
Kotter, John P. (2002). The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations, Harvard Business School Press, p. x.
Lewicki, R.J., McAllister, D.J., & Bies, D.J. (1998) "Trust and Distrust: New Relationships and Realities." Academy of Management Review, 23: 438-458.
Macgregor, J.H. Davis and F.D. Schoorman “ An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust, “ in Academy of Management Review July 1995 Pg. 7 – 12.
Mayer R.C, Davis J.H. and Schoorman F.D. (1995) An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust in Academy o f Management Review 20:3, 709-734
Mayer, R.C., Davis, J. H., & Schoorman, F.D. (1995) "An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust." Academy of Management Review, 20: 709-734.
Melcher, A. (1975). General Systems and Organization Theory: Methodological Aspects. Kent State University Press
Melcher, A. (1975). General Systems and Organization Theory: Methodological Aspects. Kent State University Press
Mishra, A.K. & Spreitzer, G.M. (1998) "Explaining How Survivors Respond to Downsizing: The Roles of Trust, Empowerment, Justice, and Work Redesign." Academy of Management Review, 23: 567-588.
Mishra, A.K. (1996) "Organizational Responses to Crisis: The Centrality of Trust." In Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research. R.M. Kramer & T.R. Tyler, Eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
Oaks, CA: Sage.Bridges, William (1991). Managing transitions. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Reivich, Karen, and Andrew Shatté (2002). The resilience factor: 7 essential skills for overcoming life’s inevitable obstacles, New York: Broadway Books, Random House.
Russell, Jeffrey, and Linda Russell (1998). Managing change. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
Russell, Jeffrey, and Linda Russell (2003). Leading change training. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.
Russell, Jeffrey, and Linda Russell (2005). An integrative model for leading change in organizations. In The 2005 Pfeiffer Annual- Consulting. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Shrode, W., and D. Voich, Jr. (1974). Organization and Management: Basic Systems Concepts. Homewood: Irwin Inc.
Spector, MD; Jones, GE (2004) - The Journal of social psychology, Heldref Publications
Tan, H. H and Tan, C. S. F. “Towards the Differentiation of Trust in Supervisor and Trust in Organization,” in Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, May 2000, pp. 241 – 260.
Wainer, H., & Thissen, D. (2001). True score theory: The traditional method. In H. Wainer and D. Thissen, (Eds.), Test Scoring. Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum
Zaheer A., McEvily B., Perrone, V. (1998), Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Interorganizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance in Organization Science, vol. 9, No. 2, March-April, 141-159
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