The general purpose of this study was to investigate the factors effect employee performance of some selected universities in Mogadishu Somalia, namely; Mogadishu University, SIMAD University, Banadir University, Plasma University and Somalia University. Specifically this study examined the effect of staff decision making, staff Teamwork & efficiency on employee performance. A sample of 200 staff were selected among 400 Target population using Slovene’s Formula of computing samples. A qualitative method was use in the data collections of this research whereby data gathered using self-administered closed-ended questionnaires. 182 received out of 200 questioners distributed which represented 91 % response rate. Factor analysis was used to assess the validity and Cronbach alpha used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS V.20) while Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient were used to analyse the relationship between the Decision making, Teamwork, delegation of authority and Trainings on employee performance. Findings revealed a positive relationship (r=0.278, sig=0.011) between decision making and employee performance; a significant positive relationship (r=0.310, sig=0.005) between Delegation of Authority and employee performance; and no significant relationship (r=0.048, sig=0.667) between Teamwork and employee performance, while there is a positive relationship (r=0.278, sig=0.011) between Employee training and employee performance; It was therefore concluded that Employee decision making, Teamwork, Delegation and Training had positively affected the performance of employees in the selected Universities in one way or the other. The study recommends that the College management should build and improve on Decision making, Delegation of authority, teamwork & Training of the current staff to maintain the organization culture; create opportunities for employees to interact with the managers of the universities in order to produce in house expertise, and encourage to over seasonal training and academic courses to enhance their loyalty to programmes and reward long-serving employees.
Key terms: Decision Making, Delegation of Authority, Employee performance, Teamwork, Staff Training, Efficiency, Productivity, Quality
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.680
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