
In Kenya procurement in public sector has been dogged by; corruption, political patronage, procurement system inefficiency, non-adherence to procurement policy guidelines and lack of a genuinely open and competitive system of procurement amongst other shortcomings. The study sought to establish effect of e-procurement adoption on the performance of the public sector; a case of state corporations under the State Department for Infrastructure. The study used Transaction Cost theory that facilitates coordination of costs and transaction. Information Systems Success theory that proposes that system quality and information quality affect users' usage and satisfaction. This study used a descriptive research design and explanatory research design. The population of interest was 142 employees in the procurement departments at State Department for Infrastructure. Stratified random sampling technique was used since the population of interest was not homogeneous. The study utilised primary data. Primary data was collected using data collection instrument. The study carried out a pilot study to test reliability and validity of the data collected from14 individuals from the target population. Data analysis was done with the use of SPSS version 23 and presented using percentages, tabulations, means and other central tendencies. This generated quantitative reports through tabulations, percentages, and measures of central tendency.  The study concluded that E-Sourcing and E-Informing all had a positive effect on the performance of state corporations under the State Department for Infrastructure. The Study recommended that the management of State corporations should fully adopt E–procurement system as it was found to enhance accountability through elimination of corruption, errors and hence ensuring efficiency of procurement systems. The study recommended that State corporations should continually keep on utilizing E-sourcing system as E-sourcing system was found to enhance coordination of procurement process and hence reduces bureaucracy which enhances efficiency of organization. State corporations should fully adopt E-informing systems as the system was found to enhance innovation process thus enhancing the procurement processes in the organization.

Key Words: E-sourcing, E-informing and Performance of State Corporations

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.772


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