The general objective of the study was to establish the role of social networks on the performance of women owned small and medium enterprises in Migori County. The study used descriptive survey design. The target population for this study was 7,000 women who own SMEs in Migori County. The research adopted a sample size of 1400 women owned SMEs. The study employed stratified random sampling techniques to obtain the required sample sizes. The data collections instruments was structured questionnaires which were distributed to the respondents and were later collected for further analysis. This study used the Cronbach's Alpha for the five point Likert scale items. The study concluded that social network diversity is positively correlated with Performance of Women Owned Small and Medium Enterprises in Migori County. The correlation was also significance thus women running Small and Medium Enterprises in Migori County ought to lay more emphasis on social network diversity. It was further concluded that social network diversity allowed for consultation with members. The study concluded that women uses social network strength mostly for strategy analysis, objectives analysis, and problem analysis. It was also concluded that member’s religiously assist any of their own when they are in serious problems. From the study it was concluded that structure describes level of closeness or ties existing within a social group among the members; which could be assessed by the frequency of their meetings or interactions. The study recommended that the county government supplement the effort of these women by organizing workshops and training where expertise from different regions and government department would be brought to give a talk on women empowerment. National government should also partner with these women goods so as to provide them with loans from women development loans, uwezo funds as well as youth empowerment funds.
Keywords: Social Network Diversity, Size, Strength, Structure, Women Owned Enterprises, Migori County
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