The purpose of the study was to examine the challenges of strategy implementation in CDF projects in Nairobi County. A descriptive research design was undertaken to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of variables of interest. The target population for this study comprised of CDF committee members, location committee members and project management committee members in Nairobi. A sample population of 193 was arrived at by calculating the target population of 388 with a 95% confidence level and an error of 0.05 using the below formula taken from Kothari (2004). Data was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS Version 25.0). From the findings, the study revealed that power sharing in projects had a very great effect on strategy implementation and that decision making practices in projects affected strategy implementation to a great extent. As per the findings, the study found that physical resources affected resource allocation to a very great extent. The findings showed that leadership style affected strategy implementation to a very great extent and that knowledge on sharing had a great effect on strategy implementation. Further, the study found that values had a very great effect on strategy implementation and public participation had a moderate effect on strategy implementation. Further, the study concluded that co-ordination affected strategy implementation to a moderate extent. As per the findings, the study concluded that physical resources affected resource allocation greatly. The study deduced that leadership style affected strategy implementation and that knowledge on sharing had a great effect on strategy implementation. The study recommended that the project managers should provide the necessary resources and facilities for project implementation. This would facilitate effective implementation of CDF projects. The study recommended that the County government board should prepare documentations and manuals in guiding on strategy implementation in projects. Rules and regulations should as well be established on the requirements of implementation of projects.
Key Words: Organization Structure, Resources, Governance, Organization Culture, Strategy Implementation
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