
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of performance appraisal on productivity in the public service.  The research  was motivated  by the fact that there  had been concerted efforts to correct the scenario  of declining  performance of the public  service. The Government of Kenya adopted, as a policy, the application of performance Contracts in the management of the Public Service.  Having  adopted Performance  Management   in most  of the Ministries by the year 2006, research had been  carried out mainly  among  recipients of the service  to establish its  effectiveness in service delivery. This research was carried out among public servants working at Kakamega County. The target population was 112 respondents on Job group J and above whose statistics were available at the County Governor/Commissioner's office. Descriptive research design was used.   Primary data was collected by use of structured questionnaires, with closed ended questions; 100 questionnaires were issued. They were  reviewed  for completeness   and validity, coded  and keyed  into the computer  for analysis  using  Statistical  Package  for Social  Sciences  (SPSS). Percentile comparisons, frequency  tables,  pie  charts  and  various  types  of graphs were used  for  presentation of  findings.

Findings showed Performance appraisal had a positive influence in making respondents more transparent to their clients.   

Key Words: Performance appraisal, productivity, Kakamega County

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.964


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